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SERGIO FIORENTINO pianist  &  musician

The Italian pianist SERGIO FIORENTINO was born in Naples, 22 December 1927
and died in Naples on 22 August 1998.

This site, dedicated to his memory, contains information about his career, repertoire, concerts and recordings.

"E' il solo altro pianista." (He is the only other pianist)
- Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli
(from a conversation with his pupil and friend, pianist Alberto Neumann)

"Ho ascoltato recentemente un pianista alla radio che mi ha impressionato molto: Sergio Fiorentino, lei lo conosce?" (Recently I listened to a pianist on the radio who impressed me very much: Sergio Fiorentino, do you know him?)
- Vladimir Horowitz
(during a conversation with Italian pianist Rodolfo Caporali in his home in New York City in 1963)

    These short statements by two pianists, considered by many as belonging to the league of the very greatest, will come as a major surprise to all those interested in the art of playing the piano. One can safely assume that both men did know what they were talking about. Contrary to their knowledge, until recent years, the name of Sergio Fiorentino was virtually unknown to a wider public. After tremendous success on concert stages of many European countries and through appearances in New York City and in South America in the late forties and early fifties, a chain of events caused Fiorentino to retreat from international concert life, dedicating most of his time to teaching at the Conservatory "San Pietro a Majella" in his native city and giving only the occasional concert and radio appearance in Italy.
    In the later part of his life he once again took interest in concertising abroad and in making new studio recordings. In fact, this part of his career, starting in Germany in 1992, took him to the USA (Newport Music Festival, Boston, Providence, New York City), Germany, France and Taiwan. His sudden death prevented him from fulfilling planned engagements in Austria, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Russia and Canada.


1938 1950

Awards at national and international competitions:

National Piano Competition in Monza 1947: 2nd prize (no 1st prize awarded)
National Piano Competition in Monza 1947: 1st prize in piano trio section
International Piano Competition in Geneva 1947: 2nd prize
Concorso Rossomandi in Naples 1948: 1st prize
International Piano Competition in Genova 1948: 1st prize
Concorso Nazionale Accademia Musicale Napoletana 1950: 1st prize
Concorso Nazionale Accademia Musicale Napoletana 1951: 1st prize
Concorso Nazionale Accademia Musicale Napoletana 1952: 1st prize




It is hardly possible to list here in detail the amount of works Sergio Fiorentino counted to his standing repertoire. During his career and teaching years, he amassed a list of solo piano works, piano concertos and chamber music, which would fill more than seven printed pages in the A 4 format. This list would not even include the many orchestral works and large parts from operas which he was able to recall from memory and transfer to the piano. His facility in learning new works was legendary and can only be compared to that of Walter Gieseking who was reported to have been able to study the score of a new piece directly prior to its performance. A similar story can be told about Fiorentino. When he received an invitation on very short notice to substitute for a pianist in Germany in Dortmund in 1953, he was to play Bartók's Third Piano Concerto. Even though at that time travels by train lasted somewhat longer than in our days, it is short of a miracle that he managed to learn the concerto en route to Dortmund, on the train. The core of his repertoire, however, consisted of the major works of Bach, Beethoven, Schumann and Liszt, the complete works of Chopin and Rachmaninov and many works by Albéniz, Brahms, Debussy, Franck, Gershwin, Granados, Grieg, Mendelssohn, Mozart, Ravel, Scarlatti, Schubert, Scriabin and Tchaikovsky.


  Click here for video clips ( MPEG downloads ) and musical examples (MP3 format) 

  Click here for repertoire list 


Stage demeanour, concert programmes and way of playing:

Sergio Fiorentino exceptionally detested any superficial gestures and facial expressions when sitting at his instrument. In that respect and in his general view on making music he was true to pianists like Rachmaninov and Moiseiwitsch. The utmost technical difficulties were executed by his hands, and he showed neither strain nor superfluous movements, also never compromising in tempo. His hands always close to the keys, he exerted wonders of clear articulation and full piano tone. Never did he sacrifice the music to show off his tremendous technical endowments. His playing was like breathing. Although Fiorentino basically detested the exclusive virtuoso repertoire, he nevertheless was famous for giving long recitals of higly demanding works. A fitting example might be the all-Liszt programme he played on May 1, 1960 in London's Royal Festival Hall under the auspices of the Liszt Society:

Prelude on Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen
Ballad No. 2
Au bord d'une source
Grande Fantaisie de Bravoure sur 'La clochette'
Bénédiction de Dieu dans la solitude
Hungarian Rhapsodies Nos. 2 & 7
3 Transcendental Etudes (Paysage - Mazeppa - F minor)
Venezia e Napoli


Fiorentino's achievements as a recording artist started in 1953 in Great Britain. At first he recorded for the label CONCERT ARTIST RECORDINGS. In 1958 he made a couple of records for the label SAGA. During the first half of the sixties he recorded for DELTA, FIDELIO/SUMMIT and the newly founded CONCERT ARTIST labels. Some of these recordings were released in the USA on the FORUM and DOVER labels. His records are considered collector's items. However, it is most astonishing that Fiorentino has recorded much more than the comparatively few things which were made available through LP records. One is amazed to hear that during his always rather short visits to England from 1953 to 1966 he was involved into no less than 60 recording sessions. A good many of these recordings, never issued during all those year, have now finally made it to publication. In the summer of 2002 the CONCERT ARTIST/FIDELIO label started with the release of these highly important recordings. They announced to release eigth volumes with Sonatas of Beethoven (five volumes have been published to date), an almost complete set of Mozart's Sonatas and a tremendous recording of Liszt's Transcendental Studies. (There are even more recordings to be published, and everything which is projected for release has already been listed in the discography, marked "Concert Artist/Fidelio in preparation").
In 1994 the pianist started to make new studio recordings for the British label APR (Appian Recordings and Publications). Even though the complete recording project could not be carried out, he managed to record material for no less than 10 CDs within the time of only four recording sessions from 1994 to 1997. APR has already issued six volumes of the FIORENTINO EDITION. In addition, the label has started to re-release Fiorentino's recordings for the DELTA and CONCERT ARTIST labels from the sixties of which series three volumes have been released to date. The complete discography of the artist can be viewed here:

  Click here for complete discography 

Reviews of his last live concerts and reactions to his sudden death can be viewed here:  

  Click here for Memorial Site II 

Updated in February 2003

Critics' reactions to Fiorentino's recordings:


  • EMERGO EC 3388-2/3389-2 - CHOPIN "The Complete Nocturnes":
  • "... you get the feeling that the Chopin tradition burns brighter elsewhere. Just as you don't have to be Armenian to do justice to pita bread, you don't have to be Polish to do justice to Chopin. Proof of this can be heard in the first notes from Sergio Fiorentino. This Italian, who died young (sic!), plays the nocturnes with an engaging combination of poetry and strength, giving the marvellous op. 48/1 great sweep and power. Such familiar pieces as op. 9/2, op. 15/2 and op. 27/2 are handed simply, sweetly, and lyrically, with a feeling of deep conviction for the music's essence. Unlike almost all of the Polish performances above, Fiorentino's compare well with the best of the competition. which, for me, are the recordings by Livia Rev, Ivan Moravec, Claudio Arrau and Artur Rubinstein."

    KORNBLUM (Fanfare)
    (look at record)


  • APR 7036 - "SERGIO FIORENTINO in GERMANY" - 1993 Live Recordings
  • "I was not prepared for such brilliant, grand playing, a throwback to the golden days of Lhévinne, Godowsky or Hofmann."

    MALKOVICH (Newport Life)
    (look at record)


    "Most of the playing is of a level not often encountered, a few items are so exceptional that they demand classification in the "extremely rare" category .... Schumann's Fantasy in C is at the top of the list, so gripping that the entire set is worth acquiring for that alone .... He is a pianist with strong affinities for the grand manner, so this release is quite in line with previous Appian discs devoted to such giants as Moiseiwitsch, Rosenthal, Godowsky, Barere, and others."

    MULBURY (American Record Guide)


    "Fiorentino made a series of wonderful LPs in the 1950s and '60s, but he's become buried in obscurity since then, mostly teaching. The recent concert performances show him still at the height of his powers. His Chopin Second Sonata, intensely dramatic and virtuosic, is one of the great versions ever of that work. Sonatas of Beethoven and Scriabin are just as splendid, and he plays the difficult Schumann Fantasia with grandeur and nobility .... this is five-star playing if I've ever heard any."

    GERBER (Classic Pulse!)


    "As others have commented elsewhere, Fiorentino's playing is patrician in its finesse, but it has none of the prissiness of other so-called poets like Perahia and vastly more technique. The opening Bach-Busoni piece is, to make comparisons at the highest level, more spacious and less thrustful than Gilels' live recording, but it captures the massive vaulting dimensions of this work. The Chopin Second is surely one of the best performances of this work. I can't think of any player who returns from the Elysium section of the Funeral March with more vehemence. Likewise, the Beethoven A-flat is in its finale a perfect blend of objective lament and exultation. Rank it with Schnabel. Fiorentino's Scriabin is more classical and less frenetic than Richter or Sofronitsky but it's still masterly in its colour and vision. The second CD begins with the Schumann Fantasy. The only pianist I can really compare F.'s performance with is Richter, since only Richter takes such a cosmic view of the work, compared to the lyricism of, say, Argerich. In particular, you won't hear a slower or more poignant finale in anyone's hands -- although the second mvt is wonderfully brisk. The remainder of the disk deals with the virtuoso transcriptions, including the Faust Waltz -- not quite in the Ginzburg league, but wonderful all the same -- and Strauss transcriptions that capture the bravura and the confection without sounding at all vacuous. The disks are closed off with some lovely encores. Indispensable."



  • "In piano circles he has become legendary, and his recent recordings show why. He is a mature artist with a big virtuoso technique and a great deal of color. What impressed me most of all on this disc is the transparency of his textures. All the great pianists of the past had it, but Fiorentino is one of the few today who continues the tradition. He plays three very difficult pieces on this disc, often with great power and wide dynamics, but never is there a hint of banging or forced sound. He probably will, in the next decade, assume the place that Michelangeli had until his recent death."

    SCHONBERG (American Record Guide)
    (look at record)


    "I often wondered what happened to that genius who recorded three of my most treasured LPs. The booklet reveals the story of Fiorentino who many years ago suffered a spine injury in a plane crash, but is now back in the recording studio at the age of 68. That wonderful mixture of brilliance and poetry, which still makes him one of the great pianists of our time, illuminates these magical performances."

    DENTON (Yorkshire Post)


    "Hats off first for the publisher who with this CD starts on an edition dedicated to the one who can be consired as the most important Italian pianist of his generation .... Hardly have the first chords of Scriabin's Sonata No. 2 been struck that an unusual "claw" captures our attention. The amazement has but only begun ... fabulous richness of sound, perfect evalution of the sonic plain. Without sacrificing anything to textual fidelity Fiorentino confirms us of a nobleness of gesture owned by the great masters of the past. The life he brings to the score lets us discover it under new perspectives, and quasi in no other version one realizes how this "first period" Scriabin anticipates the realizations after 1903 and cannot be reduced merely to an epigone of Chopin .... the proof that the time of the great masters has not expired. Indispensable!"

    COCHARD (Diapason)


    "The so-called "Grand Manner" has almost become a pejorative, the implicit excesses for which the term serves as a euphemism being virtually indistinguishable from the egotistic eccentricities of those to whom the term is applied. Yet, when one encounters playing of a kind such as that of Fiorentino it is the only epithet that seems genuinly appropriate .... In conclusion, I can only echo the reaction to Fiorentino's artistry in Diapason: Indispensable!"

    HOPKINS (International Piano Quarterly)


    "Fiorentino is one of those few pianists -- Richter is another -- who seems capable of absorbing the aesthetics of his chosen composer so thoroughly that it is impossible to think that he did not grow up immersed in the same songs and melodies of the composer. Fiorentino was much influenced by Rakhmaninov as a young virtuoso, and that may go some way to explaining how he can offer these extraordinary showpieces without at any stage sounding vacuous or meretricious. Like his early idol, he offers golden tone, a superb sense of drama, and wonderful clarity of fingering. The Scriabin is a difficult piece to bring off, as its shape and structure are unorthodox. Fiorentino offers a sense of unlimited space and dimension, seeing the work as unified across both movements, and subtly varying his colours and tones like a Cézanne or a Pissarro. The Prokofiev is a miracle, lacking nothing against the side of Richter, Gilels or Sokolov. One cannot credit Fiorentino's septuagenarian status when listening to the finale, so riveting in its virtuosity and concentration. The moody melancholy of the earlier movements are brought off well, without the episodic qualities lest gifted interpreters bring to the work. The Rakhmaninov is very special, even though, alas, it's the 1931 truncation. Fiorentino's unique reading is evident form the first, as he refuses to punch those massive left hand chords. Instead, he lets them ring and resonate in a way that leaves you wondering why others haven't done it. His glorious tone makes the second movement the emotional core of the work, which prepares the fanfaring finale very well. Perhaps in the final analysis Cliburn (in the 1913 version) or Horowitz (in his conflation) squeeze a few more watts out, but it's a close call, since Fiorentino continues to refuse to pound or bang. The final pages exult. A superb coupling of Russian virtuoso music played by an artist in the plenitude of his powers."



  • "I've never heard the diaphanous opening of Scriabin 4 played better. And the oceanic turbulence and subtlety he brings to the sprawling first sonata is probably the best on record .... Here then is the work of a master pianist whose music-making is at once sybaritic, evasive, efflorescent, and undulating, setting it apart from a Russian tradition that favors abrupt contrast and bright colors. Take note, too, how he refuses to make a meal out of the apex of a phrase - the customary procedure among pianists less inclined to discretion. Mr Fiorentino belongs to a handful of artists who fill the gap left by those we've lost in recent years."

    YOUNG (American Record Guide)
    (look at record)


    "All that glitters is not gold - however, in the case of Sergio Fiorentino's reading of Scriabin's Fourth Piano Sonata we are almost certainly in the presence of musical gold. I've not heard a performance quite as intense and focused as Fiorentino's for a long time .... The delineation between melody and accompaniment in the opening movement is brilliantly accomplished, and the winged Prestissimo volando which follows is exhilarating and superbly controlled. The First Sonata is no less impressive. His reading has youthful impetuosity in the first movement coupled with a powerful, tragic undertone in the second and fourth, and there is an imperious authority in his interpretation .... This disc is the third of four in APR's Fiorentino Edition, and on hearing this I shall waste no time in seeking out the others. A very rewarding disc from a pianist of tremendous stature."

    MS (The Gramophone)


    "This 1995 recording shows Sergio Fiorentino, at 70, in full command of his enormous technique and as expansive in temperament as ever. However, to enjoy this disc, you will have to find the music as significant as Fiorentino obviously does. I can go along with him for the Scriabin Fourth Sonata, a typically volatile middle-Scriabin piece that Fiorentino plays with enormous panache (as he also does, live, on Appian 7036). The First Scriabin Sonata is more derivative, and the Rachmaninoff Sonata I find a rambling mishmash of Romantic mannerisms without a clear focus. If you like this music, though, you'll never hear it played better."

    GERBER (


    "This disk, the third in Fiorentino's studio edition, contains performances that assert themselves as reference recordings. This is particularly true of the Scriabin and Rachmaninov Firsts, since surprisingly few great pianists have left recordings of these spacious essays in late romanticism. It is easy to dismiss the Scriabin First as an immature work under the influence of Chopin and Wagner. Perhaps that's true. But in Fiorentino's hands, the work sounds just as chilling as the Ninth. The chordal opening is superbly conceived, the sonorities and the dynamics ideally chosen to reflect intense emotion, yet it makes way without any sense of strain for the glorious second subject. The second movement wanders in a trance, while the third has ferocious drive and rhythm. The fourth movement captures a frighteningly realistic picture of a funeral, with bells tolling remorselessly - the intensity remains until the end. The Scriabin Fourth provides an interesting contrast to Fiorentino's live performance in Germany. The studio recording, apart from having far superior sound, is even more spacious than the live account. Both performances are superb in capturing the langour of the first section and the ecstatic frenzy of the second. As ever with Fiorentino, every note is wonderfully clear. Together with the Scriabin Second on the first disk in the studio edition and the live Fourth, they are the work of a wholly original thinker about this extraordinary composer.

    The Rachmaninov First is a summation of every virtue in the playing of this composer - an object lesson to pianists who insist on wallowing in or trivialising his music. Everything is in its place - technical prowess, a flexibility of tempo that never obscures the consistency of the pulse in each movement, clarity in the voicing of discrete polyphonic lines, a veritable spectrum of tone colour and sonority, and most importantly in this long sonata, a sense of structure that dispels the risk that the work sounds episodic. There are many felicities in this performance. Two include the weightless trills at the end of the second movement, so beautifully balanced within the musical picture, and the tremendous sense of culmination in the final pages as the motif of the first movement thunders out deep in the bass, while over and above it the moto perpetuo of the finale defies and thwarts it, ending the movement as it began. Fiorentino paces the finale superbly, keeping to a constant pace, so that the sense of cumulative build up is exhausting."



  • "Sergio Fiorentino has had time to meditate on his art. His interpretations, sometimes off-the-road, always deeply felt, have the same quintessential form as the auguries of a sage. Extraordinarily controlled, even severe, Chopin's Third Sonata is an example of his pithy style. But what an emotion in that dejected Largo, a song of inner grief in near silence. Introspection also in Schubert's great Sonata No. 21 D. 960 where Fiorentino, without slackening its rigorous construction, seems to express in the moulding of a melody the whole loneliness of the human being."

    SABBATINI (Journal de Genève)
    (look at record)


    "The Indian summer of this great pianist has now given us a quite remakable account of the Chopin Sonata, his freedom of approach reminding us of the great romantic pianists of the past. His Schubert is more restrained and classical, yet has so much to express that it is revelatory."

    DENTON (Yorkshire Post)


    "Understatement could be Sergio Fiorentino's middle name. To these monuments of the piano literature he brings alluring subtlety, a lively intelligence, and a fresh perspective. What's more, Mr Fiorentino's remarkable ability to remain unruffled but intensely expressive, no matter how labyrinthine the contrapuntal activity or musical texture, suggests an intuitive command of a pianistic messa di voce. Like a great singer, he can manipulate, with precision and discretion, the dynamic tension between the notes. Mr Fiorentino elaborates the busy polyphony of the Chopin sonata with amiable transparency. His velvety tone and taut command of a seamless but gently inflected cantabile serves him well in I and IV. He sculpts its serpentine melodies, lending them a lean and sinous edge, while even transitional passages (for example, the descending double notes in fourth in I) are treated poetically. This is one of the few readings I know of that treats the opening upbeat in the first measure of I as a trochee, thus rejecting the customary stomping in the F-sharp downbeat that follows. Is it possible that Mr Fiorentino is aware that this is also a rhythmic property indigenous to the Polish language? ... Schubert's magisterial Sonata in B-flat is to the piano literature what Tchaikovsky's 6th Symphony is to the orchestra: an extended but immensely personal statement. Mr Fiorentino shrewdly discerns that beneath its surface serenity lurks something unsettling, if not sinister. He adopts a slower tempo than most in I and a quicker one in II. In less wise hands, that could be a catastrophe. But here it seems just right. His Schubert is at once sensuous and sad; he has little in common with Brendel of Klien, who exploit a brighter sound and a greater optimism, or with Arrau's aura of painful resignation. If he shares an aesthetic approach to this work with anyone, it's Sofronitsky. Like him, Fiorentino views it as a kind of private diary where even the most delicate intimacies, now made public, sacrifice nothing of their passion or fervor."

    YOUNG (American Record Guide)


    "Compared to other great pianists, defining Fiorentino's distinctive attributes can be challenging. He doesn't have the nervous energy of Horowitz, the patrician severity of the mature Michelangeli, or the mesmerism of Sofronitsky. On the contrary, many of the interpretive parameters he chooses are remarkably free from idiosyncracy and seem unsually central. What I think Fiorentino captures, like no other pianist, is the capacity to distill the wisdom of a range of interpretive traditions in a uniquely personal and fresh way. This is well illustrated on this disk, in which Fiorentino ventures into repertory that has been more recorded than anything else in his studio series.

    There are two discrete traditions in the Chopin Third -- a grander, more symphonic tradition, with which I associate Gilels and more recently Demidenko, and a lyrical, more pianistic tradition, which includes Rubinstein, Cortot, Lipatti, and Argerich. Fiorentino seems to capture them both, giving great weight to the opening figure, but showing tremendous flexibility and poise in his singing of the second subject. The scherzo has a fleetness that is beautifully fingered but never seems superficial or showy. The third movement has never been more gloriously imagined. The tempo is broad, but the legato is seamless, allowing the artist to show up the work's fine details in loving attention. The final movement returns to the weighty tone of the first movement, but the work closes with all the spark and exultation of Argerich or Kapell. Together with his Saga nocturnes, the Second Sonata on the live APR disk, and the live Rhode Island recital, Fiorentino offers us in this disk a wholly convincing Chopin, one as close to Bach as to Bellini.

    The same holds true of the inspired B flat sonata. The lines of tradition are drawn very clearly here. In the left corner, we have the Russians, Afanassiev, Richter and Sofronitsky, who search out Winterreise darkness in achingly slow tempi. In the right corner, we have the more Germanic tradition, which is more flexible and lyrical. Fiorentino undermines the sense of disparity by rendering the work in a tone of personal sadness rather than cosmic despair. His first movement is very broad, taking 16 minutes without the exposition repeat -- faster than Richter, but not by that much. He emphasises the lyricism of phrasing more than the Russians typically do, but achieves the same sense of overwhelming passion in the development's climax. The slow movement has a similarly implicit approach to loss, so that the second subject sounds like hope, rather than delusion, after the pain of the first. The third movement is absolutely fresh -- it dispels the shadows without forgetting they exist, by subtle accents in the trio. The fourth movement -- always a challenge for Schubert -- is played with great breadth, once again bringing together the two interpretive traditions in this work. In short, whatever other performances you may own of these works, I urge you to hear these wholly convincing recreations, that are imaginative without seeking controversy for its own sake."



  • "I hadn't heard of Fiorentino until just a few weeks ago, when a publicist sent me this series of recordings put out by APR, a small British label. It turns out that these records have already received some remakable raves from distinguished critics on both sides of the Atlantic. And after listening to the discs myself, I can only say that the raves are totally deserved .... Fiorentino's aristocratic, singing style is also ideally suited to the music of Scriabin and Rachmaninov. Pianists love to linger over the details in this music, savoring every rich chord, caressing the shape of every melody, making sure the sensuous impact of every harmonic twist and turn is heard and felt. Fiorentino clearly loves these details, too, but he never lets the details cloud the larger picture. His performance of Rachmaninov's Second Sonata is particularly fine. In this densely textured work it is sometimes difficult to avoid banging (even Horowitz thrashes around in it), but Fiorentino spins pure gold .... If you are a fan of Claudio Arrau or Jorge Bolet, you'll probably like Fiorentino, too. I actually prefer Fiorentino to Arrau and Bolet; Fiorentino's sound is just as beautiful and his playing has a lot more personality. Urgently recommended."

    FARACH-COLTON (Classical Music Webzine)


    "One is instantly aware of the pianist's understanding of the necessary stylistic differences between various composers. I listened first to the live Schumann Fantasy, a difficult work in all respects and one which Fiorentino held together and brought to life as I have seldom heard. The sheer musicality of the playing is overwhelming. The pianist is involved in this music to an amazing degree, and with it, as well, is the listener. But there are no exaggerations, only ideal statements. The Bach-Busoni (with additions by Fiorentino) is certainly grandly rhethorical, the Beethoven classical and emotionally uplifting without a hint of excess. Scriabin's First, Second and Fourth sonatas emerge with intensity but also as an inevitable outcome of late romanticism. The Rachmaninoff Second Sonata, even as one recalls Horowitz's electric performances, is projected with colossal excitement; the same composer's First Sonata is far more convincing that the majority of competing versions; and the Prokofiev astounds both with Fiorentino's breathtaking lyricism and stunning virtuosity. The encores from the live program - the Faust Waltz, the Strauss arrangements, Chopin, Brahms, Tchaikovsky - are delectable bon-bons, and perfect conclusions to a sensational array of superb pianism. Altogether, this is some of the most satisfying playing I have encountered lately."

    KIPNIS (Schwann Opus) 


  • "Fiorentino's approach works particularly well in the First Partita where, rather than boldly forcing his ideas upon the listener, his deeply personal and introspective playing draws thre listener into his world. There is a wonderful sense of clarity in his playing and great attention is paid to direction of line; moreover, the heightened sensitivity shows how dear this music was to him .... Although Fiorentino played and recorded many Bach transcriptions, this one of the G minor Violin Sonata is new to his discography .... Fiorentino's transcription eschews nineteenth- and twentieth-century devices, instead attempting to emulate what the master himself might have written had he decided to make a keyboard arrangement of this work. Fiorentino's performance contains some of the most captivating playing on this disc, with truly masterful phrasing. Remarkably, for all of Fiorentino's individuality, one never senses anything contrived about his performances. At his best, Fiorentino could play as well as any of this century's great pianists ..."

    MALIK (International Piano Quarterly)
    (look at record)


    "Some albums remind one how poor an equivalent verbal descriptions are of musical experience. Sergio Fiorentino (1927-1998), who passed away in August, 1998 had spent his last five years recording for APR after having made a few albums for the SAGA label in the late '70's. This all-Bach recital recorded in Berlin, 1996 is simply one of the finest keyboard recordings since Ivan Moravec's astonishing inscription of the Chopin Preludes for Supraphon/In-Sync. Fiorentino, more a pedagogue than a touring virtuoso, had gathered a small number of devotees who likened him to his near-contemporary Michelangeli. Not so stringently percussive and detache as that musician, there is in Fiorentino a cross between Backhaus and Lipatti, a tendency to soften cadences with suave pedalling coupled with brilliant filigree in rising passages, much like Glenn Gould, but again, without the "sec," non-legato approach. The "discovery" on this first of two recitals devoted to Bach is Fiorentino's own transcription of the solo G Minor Violin Sonata, which achieves a liquid fluency and "organ sonority" which are most impressive. The "Fuga," particularly, communicates a virility reminiscent of the D Minor Klavier Concerto. The B-flat Partita, a favorite of Lipatti collectors, has that artist's control and serenity, but in a more romantic style. The purely "motor" movements, like the Allemande and Menuets, are rife with power and humor, what Blake called "fearful symmetry." The contemplative movements in the B-flat and the more monumental D Major are miracles of sustained cantilena and refined pedal. The sheer joy in pearly play, in simply being able to command a range of keyboard effects, will easily recall bon vivant Artur Rubinstein and colorist Walter Gieseking. This disc will qualify for my own "Best of the Year" list and is highly recommended."

    LEMCO (Audiophile Audition E-Zine)


    "Sergio Fiorentino's Bach, recorded in 1996, two years prior to his death, is phenomenal. With the opening of the fourth Partita a blissful lustre shines down from the sky. There is no intellectualism here, just emotion and joy, which makes one think of Weissenberg. Everything is clear like glass, the touch very delicate, the cantabile romantic but always dancing, and he is very poetic in the fast movements. Striking are his calm tempi (also in the first Partita), yet Fiorentino never looses momentum, adding many ornaments and his own harmonies. His own transcription of the Violin Sonata BWV 1001, in all its simplicity, is played very idiomatic and virtuosic. Bravo!"

    SCHOONES (Piano Wereld)


    "... Fiorentino displays his characteristically gorgeous tonal palette, plus a certain deliberateness familiar at times from other of his recorded performances - for example, the Schubert B flat Sonata [a measured reading]. But he is never staid, lethargic, or lacking in esprit. The lively movements bounce along merrily (the Courante of the First Partita), in spite of a post-romantic yet never merely objective outlook the playing exceptionally clean, well articulated ... and, oh, so musical and warm. Fiorentino's own transcription of the G minor Sonata is effectively filled in harmonically, without ever approaching a Godowsky-like extravagance, while his Fourth Partita is extraordinarily eloquent: suprisingly, he even adds a few discreet embellishments to the repeats of the Allemande and Sarabande."

    KIPNIS (CD Conspectus)


    "APR cannot be thanked enough for its wonderful Fiorentino series, which has captured the insight of one of the greatest pianist of our -- any -- time, shortly before his final "curtain call" in 1998. This is the first of two disks devoted to Bach; the second, not yet released, will focus primarily on transcription. This disk offers the first and fourth partitas and Fiorentino's own transcription of violin sonata in G minor. The first partita is famous in Lipatti's immortal recording, and it is with the Lipatti generation one might mention Fiorentino, rather than the Gould era. Although Fiorentino's fingerwork is just as clear as friend Glenn, it's first and foremost his superb legato and rounded sound one remembers. Nonetheless, he pays his scholarly debts with due attention to repeats (which means the fourth partita's Allemande is 15 minutes) and decoration. Bach on the modern piano has not sounded this good since Samuil Feinberg's recording of the WTC -- and I include in that statement Argerich, Kapell, and Richter.

    Fiorentino is not the first to transcibe the g minor sonata -- Godowsky got in first. The differences are major. Godowsky's are free reworkings, whereas Fiorentino has much devotion to the original and includes less new material. That makes it shorter and not quite as flashy, but it better captures the severity and focus of the original. The Siciliana has a sublime grace, and the very novelty of the recording demands a place in your collection. In short -- if you like Fiorentino, or the piano, or Bach on the piano, or just musicianship that is at once towering and humble, buy it now."



  • "Sergio Fiorentino's Bach subscribes to all the pianistic notions that characterize the grand Romantic manner. He pulls out all the dynamic and coloristic stops in the Fifth French Suite yet still keeps the music's dance spirit at the fore. If you respond to Gilels and Kempff's similar pianistic outlooks vis-à-vis this delightful work, you'll probably warm to Fiorentino's.

    The Italian pianist, though, really shows what he's made of in the transcriptions. Not since Egon Petri's heyday have Busoni's massive piano transformations of the D major and E-flat major Organ Preludes and Fugues sounded so noble and unclangy. Rachmaninov's suite based on three movements from the E major violin partita wickedly updates the original with serpentine inner voices and harmonic spice: pure Bach-maninov, in other words! Fiorentino's sparkling performances are just as fun to hear as Rachmaninov's brusquer interpretations, and, of course, benefit from APR's modern engineering. Lastly, Fiorentino offers his own transcription of Jesu, joy of man's desiring in a measured, ravishingly inward reading. A disc made to order for the piano connoisseur."

    DISTLER (Classics Today)
    (look at record)


    "The idea of an album-length of Bach transcription is a relatively recent phenomenon. With the exception of Kempff, who recorded a disk of short works, most of the pianists of the past concentrate on either a small selection of transcribed chorale-preludes or one or two of the most famous large-scale works, like the Bach-Busoni Chaconne. In more recent times, the transcription canon has been much more comprehensively explored for example, there have been no less than four CDs featuring recordings of all ten Bach-Busoni chorale-preludes!

    The difference between most of these modern recordings, and the present disk is the pianist. The late Sergio Fiorentino was the last of a vanished school of pianistic supermen as capable of capturing the joy and intimacy of Bach, as of unleashing the grand rhetoric of the great fugues. In his first Bach volume for APR, Fiorentino showed both of these sides, in warm and joyous accounts of two partitas, and in his own transcription of the g minor Violin Sonata. In this second disk, the principal focus is on transcription, but we also are offered some unhyphenated Bach, in the form of the fifth French Suite. In this disk, we see three interpretive traditions in Bach sitting side by side the unhyphenated Bach, dancing and joyous; a neoclassical Bach, objective and pungent; and the grandly rhetorical virtuoso Bach.

    In the Suite, Fiorentino favours quite broad tempos. One might call them old fashioned, but the term is not suitable, given the immaculate clarity of counterpoint and rhythm. Rather it captures the virtues that "old fashioned" pianists sought after legato, sprung rhythms, and geniality so often absent in unsmiling modern performances. It is rare that one is actually reminded by a performance that a suite is a collection of dance movements, but that is so here. The Allemande is unhurried but the rhythms are lifted nicely, the Bourrée glitters without sounding meretricious, the Sarabande and Loure overflow with sunshine. A wonderful performance.

    The neoclassical Bach is evident in the pianist’s performance of the Rachmaninov transcription. Rachmaninov was Fiorentino's paragon, and this performance is echt Rachmaninov even more so than Rachmaninov's own recording. It is golden-toned, beautifully phrased, dry like good white wine, and no detail obscures the composer's genius. The romantic harmonies click into place as though they were present in the original. Fiorentino paces this suite quite quickly, at tempi similar to Rachmaninov.

    The romantic Bach is found in the Bach-Busoni and Bach-Fiorentino transcriptions. Fiorentino offers his own transcription of "Jesus bleibet meine Freunde". It is more like Hess’s than Kempff’s, but he has written out a richer and more expansive version of the harmony than Hess did, assigning to the left hand the challenging task of playing a succession of tenths. It is broad, sonorous and beautiful, more weighty than the famous Lipatti version. The tendency to broad tempi is particularly evident in the two fugues that begin and end the disk. Those familiar with Fiorentino’s "Live in Germany" disk will be familiar with the outlines of the D major prelude and fugue. Both it and the vast E flat prelude and fugue are spacious, architectural performances, the longest recorded ones I am aware of. Fiorentino hews to consistent pulses, which enables the performances to have as much cumulative impact as other, harder-driven performances, without the sense of peaks and troughs.

    Lovers of Bach and the virtuoso piano repertoire should explore this disk. It shows a Titan, now sadly departed, at work in a manner at once artistically humble and musically inspired."



    „After a remarkable Liszt recital, the British label Appian’s fifth volume of their edition dedicated to the Italian pianist presents an equally remarkable one with transcriptions of works by Bach. Once again one finds that sense of colour, the pleasure of making the piano resound in these transcriptions, mostly of Busoni (BWV 532, BWV 552) certain details of which Sergio Fiorentino modifies in order to highlight their expressiveness. The pianist chases every phrase with a warmness which reminds us of the Bach of Kempff, Feinberg, Casadesus, those other great masters who were - and this is no accident - both performers and composers. The clarity of Fiorentino’s touch radiates an almost Italian light; it serves as his characteristic impulse, e. g. at the beginning of every phrase in the Gavotte of the 5th French Suite. The Partita for violin BWV 1006, transcribed by Rachmaninov, brings this constantly moving and proud sonority to the highest level, a sort of incessant flow in search of the phrase’s resolution. Fiorentino has only attention for the coherence of the phrase and the equilibrium of the voices. His Bach is about the beauty of a well-organized universe. A superb programme which makes one waiting avidly for the releases to follow.”

    NEVERS (Classica)


    "Sergio Fiorentino, who passed away on August 22nd 1998, was an unsung giant of the piano. This new disc is one of only two albums performed by Fiorentino. The program contains both "pure" Bach, in the form of the Fifth French Suite, as well as masterly transcriptions by Busoni and Rachmaninov. Fiorentino is heard throughout at his magnificent best (listen to his wonderful, extended "sotto voce" passages!). The "Great Pianists of the 20th Century" people certainly missed one here."

    anon. (H & B recordings direct)


  • APR 5581 - The Early Recordings I - "The Contemplative Liszt"
  • "This memorable disc forms a moving and retrospective tribute to Sergio Fiorentino who died last year. Recorded in 1962 and 1967, it includes a previously unissued performance of the second version of La lugubre gondole and suggest throughout a timeless veracity and compliance between creator and re-creator, between composer and pianist.... The performances are of the rarest inwardness and delicacy."

    MORRISON (International Piano Quarterly)
    (look at record)


    "Last year we lost Sergio Fiorentino, but thankfully we have his APR Indian summer by which to remember him. Also, of course, his earlier LPs .... One such, the late Liszt pieces, is featured here alongside later 1967 recordings of the fine 'Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen' Prelude and the Six Consolations .... these represent some of Fiorentino's finest performances on disc. Indeed, listening to them again after many years their qualities seem to me ever more precious."



    "This first volume, dedicated to the author of the Sonata in b minor, reminds us that like Brendel and Kempff, Fiorentino was a pioneer in the Lisztian domain. Those who were lucky to meet this reserved and enigmatic person can confirm that Appian pays him a very fine hommage by starting this collection with the least spectacular of programmes one can imagine. These bare, mysterious, unquiet and gloomy works of Liszt have not been served very often with the poetic density and essential desire one can admire here. One is free to read in these pages the starting point of the 20th century in music. Fiorentino's way with them does not stress an explanation of the text and shuns every kind of intellectualism. The matching of the right of tone, the frequent tenderness (admirable the Consolations) with which he approaches these pieces are the fruit of veritable humanism ... the seal of a great master."

    COCHARD (Diapason)


    "Those enamoured of the dark side of Liszt's probing spiritualism will be sent into paroxysms by this magnificent disc. In one elegant, compelling performance after another, Sergio Fiorentino, whose sudden death last year marked the end to one of the more significant career revivals in recent years, demonstrates unequivocally why he deserves the moniker "great" alongside "pianist".

    The pompous growling sprawl that informs the interpretation of so many pianists is nowhere to be found in Mr Fiorentino's readings. On the contrary, there is an epistolary quality about his playing that compliments the confessional dimensions of the music. La Lugubre Gondola I, for example, is at once specific and dreamy, as it should be; the near Doppler effect of the receding funeral procession, as it fades into the distance at the work's conclusion, is all the more terrifying when played almost entirely within the context of a smoldering pianissimo. Mr Fiorentino drives on Unstern at a faster tempo than most of his colleagues, but give up nothing of its intensity. Most exquisitely drawn are the jewel like Four Klavierstücke, which Liszt took a decade to write, from 1865 through 1876. Adumbrating late Scriabin by more than 30 years, these laconic miniatures are remarkable for their structural economy and philosophical largesse. Much the same can be said about the spooky Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen (Weeping, Wailing, Mourning, Trembling) whose meandering passacaglia and variations Mr Fiorentino invests with purpose at every moment. It's a lean, subtly shaded performance that never raises its voice: in his hands its rhythmic contours and motivic intonations are so precisely articulated that it doesn't have to.

    The gentle and endearing Consolations suit perfectly Mr Fiorentino's refined musical sensibility and prismatic approach to sound, which virtually distills every dynamic into its essence. Indeed, much about his playing suggests a kind of pianistic liqueur, to be savored one sip at a time. Consolation number 3 may sound like an ideal name for a game show, but in fact it is the most famous, and perhaps most perfectly crafted of the set. For this pianist its four plus minutes are a heartbreaking elegy that whispers quietly under the breath, as it were. Where Horowitz gives us the predominating right hand melody in a brazen (if beautifully shaped) display that rings out with a kind of stentorian ardor, Mr Fiorentino's idea of bel canto is considerably more suave and subtle. These recordings, made in 1962 and 1967, are about as different from Alfred Brendel's as you can get. In these interpretively challenging works, Mr Brendel prefers to dwell on rhetorical character. Mr Fiorentino, on the other hand, engages them for their intimacy and poetry. Though one great reading is hardly more valid than another, there is much to be said about taste. It reminds me of the celebrated remark attributed to Callas when she described her own voice as champagne, and that of Tebaldi as Coca-Cola. Well, let's just say that Mr Fiorentino, in comparison to most others, including Brendel, comes down squarely on the side of Moët and Chandon. Charles Hopkins' superb liner notes are as well written as they are exemplary: an object lesson in a musicology contextually informed and thoroughly considered."

    YOUNG (Clavier)


    "The Liszt collection, I'm delighted to report, includes some of those late, enigmatic creations such as Schlaflos, Nuages gris, and Unstern where the composer's harmonic world disintegrated. But there are also exceptionally poetic renditions of such better-known earlier works as the six Consolations. The performances, ideally introspective, are oustanding."

    KIPNIS (CD Conspectus)


    "Turn to the second volume for Liszt at his most inspired, and for Fiorentino at his most refined. Pick Nuages Gris to hear a fastidiously expressive left hand giving the pianissimo octave tremolos their full value without overwhelming the texture, and then sample La lugubre gondola I, for a subdued but singing melodic line that captures the mournful quality of the work without recourse to mawkishness. Imagine the nuances inherent in these interpretations as extending to the other pieces as well ... and it'll be easy to realise that this is a disc of critical importance."

    ANTHONI (Piano-IPQ)


  • APR 5582 - The Early Recordings II - "The Virtuoso Liszt"
  • "Sergio Fiorentino ... was a unique performer who revelled in the music of the virtuoso Liszt, his speed and articulation almost defying belief. He took chances, and there are moments where his fingers almost run away with themselves. Yet listen to today's sterile Liszt performances, and they are simply trivial compared to this."

    DENTON (Yorkshire Post)
    (look at record)


    "Don't be misled by the table of content, though, into expecting conventional virtuoso display; there's a touch of reserve to Fiorentino's personality that makes his performances distinctively unsensational. I don't mean to suggest any want of technique. His filigree is dazzlingly clean; and even if he doesn't quite breeze through Liszt's treacherous Clochette Fantasie, he surely holds his own. Nor can he be accused of polite deference to the score; he inflects the music with elastic tempos (note how he stretches the transition into the 'Friska' in the Second Hungarian Rhapsody), striking details of dynamics and articulation and even textual ammendations. But his partiality for a sec and somewhat monochromatic tone sometimes turns down the heat under the espressivo passages (although he builds to heartfelt climaxes in the Thirteenth Rhapsody) - and his sobriety shortcircuits the zaniness of such works as the Grand Galop Chromatique. In the end, then, this recital stands out more for the manic concentration of his Sixth Hungarian Rhapsody or for the shots of darkness that puncture the Vivace in his stern performance of the Seventh than for any extra pizzazz of the glissandos on the Tenth. Still ... its unfailing balance and dignity give it a place of honour in the catalogue none the less."

    RABINOWITZ (International Record Review)


    "APR has been devoting much effort on behalf of the late pianist Sergio Fiorentino's recorded legacy, from live concerts taped in his final years to rare studio bounty, like this Liszt recital. With two exceptions, the master tapes for these recordings are lost, but producer Bryan Crimp had access to a reasonably clean copy of the original Concert Artists LP. Happily, Fiorentino's easy command of Liszt's many, many notes is matched by his ability to convey the composer's overt theatricality with poise and panache. As a result, the Hungarian Rhapsodies come across as being more three-dimensional pieces than the virtuoso fluff for which they are wrongly dismissed. Ideally, we might want sharper contrasts and a more demonic undercurrent throughout the Octave Etude (No. 2 from Liszt Paganini Etudes) and Gnomenreigen. And the Grand Galop Chromatique's giddy exhibitionism reaches more demented heights via Georges Cziffra's interpretation. For these sessions, Fiorentino dusted off a Liszt rarity: the Grande Fantasie de bravoure sur la Clochette de Paganini. Imagine "La Campanella" with an extended introduction, and four times as much music that is 40 times more difficult to play, and you'll get the picture. Fiorentino dives into this overwrought concoction as if it were the greatest piano piece ever written, and wipes the floor with Leslie Howard's dog-sober version on Hyperion."

    DISTLER (Classics Today)


    "I cannot recall how I came by a copy of Delta mono LP number DEL 12015 nearly 40 years ago, but it has remained a treasured part of my collection. As a teenager in the thrall of Horowitz, it was exciting to come across a second pianist whose fearless bravura in Liszt made the heart beat faster ... nothing could dispel the sheer titillation of the Grand Galop Chromatique and the stupendously-difficult, rarely-heard La Clochette fantasy ... The Paganini Study No.2, Gnomenreigen and the six Hungarian Rhapsodies ... are top-drawer performances, none the worse for lacking the idiosyncrasies of (the admittedly electrifying) Horowitz or Cziffra"

    NICHOLAS (Classic CD)


    "...Uncouth pianism wasn't a part of Fiorentino's ethos and there is a cultured sensibility behind even the most coruscating keyboard virtuosity - as heard in the Grand Etude de Paganini (a few textural emendations notwithstanding) and any of the Hungarian Rhapsodies, although the long cadenza in the Second is excluded."

    ANTHONI (Piano-IPQ)


    "APR's releases of Fiorentino's old studio recordings of Liszt reveal the extraordinary range of sympathies this masterly pianist had. The first volume showed a pianist totally as one with the impressionistic, ambiguous inner world of late Liszt; the latest third volume showed us Liszt as a high romantic, dramatic and subjective, but in all cognisant of musical virtues. This second volume voyages to the very limits of virtuosity, assaying works demanding a prestidigitation that is an end in itself. Given Fiorentino's demonstrated musical virtues -- refinement, taste, dedication to the score -- I approached this disk with a rather perplexed fascination. The final result is a series of recordings that demonstrate the artistic integrity possible even in the repertory of the arch-virtuoso.

    The program begins with two Etudes: the Octave etude from the Paganini Grandes Etudes and Gnomenreigen. The performances are a model for music of this kind -- the pianist plays fast but with comfort, so that he can relish the detail and wit, and articulate the rhythms, present in this music, which mad dash performances can miss.

    The six Hungarian Rhapsodies that follow have some qualities in common. Fiorentino differentiates his choice of tempi in these pieces much more than is common. His friskas zip along with the fastest, but elsewhere his approach is substantially broader, emphasising melancholy, rather than impassioned rhetoric. I wouldn't necessarily want to be without the other type of performance, but this is a rich, satisfying way of hearing the Rhapsodies without vulgarity or schmaltz. The pianist opts out of the cadenza for the second Rhapsody, but I don't miss it. I particularly like the performance of the sixth Rhapsody, an intense, cumulatively exciting performance.

    The program closes with two of the most outrageous pieces Liszt ever penned. The Grand galop chromatique is tossed off with an easy panache. Fiorentino is just ten seconds off Cziffra's landmark performance. Cziffra's is probably the more exciting performance, given his percussive, waspish style, but Fiorentino offers many felicities. Even the galop pales by comparison with the following Grande Bravura Fantasy on la Campanella. Rarely recorded by any sane pianist, this quite crazy work demands the most lavish technical endowment in order to do justice to its violinistic textures. While no one sounds comfortable in such a work, Fiorentino shows how he can play "virtuosissimo" music with glittering panache. I recommend it to all Lisztians.

    The recording is from the 1960s, and is disappointing for the time. Pitch fluctuates in places, and the sound is one dimensional. Nonetheless, I am grateful to have it in any form -- it is triumphant and dignified virtuosity.



  • NEWPORT-CD (no #) - "In Memory of Sergio Fiorentino"
  • "This recital was taped, live, only a year before Fiorentino's untimely death in 1998 at the age of 70. The story of the pianist's interrupted career (due to a plane crash) may be dramatic, but this kind of playing doesn't need any boosts from such irrelevant factors. Fiorentino was a complete Chopin player. His nocturnes are smooth and placid, while the ballade and polonaise are tremendously dramatic. It's astonishing to think that these nearly perfect performances come from a single unedited concert, but the level of musical projection is even more impressive than the pianist's flawless technique. This is one for the ages, and fortunately the recording quality is excellent."

    GERBER (
    (look at record)


    "The late Italian pianist Sergio Fiorentino (1927-1998) had retired from performing outside his native country for two decades due to his dislike of the concert life's competitiveness and publicity-mongering. But he returned to the stage in 1992; his U.S. comeback was at the Newport Festival in 1996 (his first U.S. appearance since 1953), and his last public performance was also at Newport, in 1998. Thus, there's a certain significance to this release, a recording of his 1997 appearance at the festival.

    This disc's all-Chopin program is well-suited to demonstrating Fiorentino's endearing lyricism. There are four of the Op. 28 Preludes (Nos. 15 - 17 and 23), five Waltzes (Op. 18; Op. 64, Nos. 1 - 2; Op. 34, No. 1; Op. 42), two Nocturnes (Op. 27, No. 2; Op. 15, No. 2), four of the Op. 10 Etudes (4, 6, 8, 10), four Mazurkas (Op. 50, No. 3; Op. 7, No. 1; Op. 33, Nos. 2 and 4), the Polonaise Op. 26, No. 1; and the Ballade Op. 47.

    His technique was not infallible, yet for a concert performance with no studio repairs, it's generally remarkably clear. But it's his touch that clearly puts him in a higher class. The liquescent tones of the Prelude No. 23, for instance, are quietly stunning, and his legato in the Op. 64, No. 2 Waltz, will break your heart. His Nocturnes are as redolent of twilight as any on disc.

    Yet Fiorentino was clearly able to turn up the virtuosity when required -- he was, after all, renowned as an interpreter of Liszt and Rachmaninoff. The Etude No. 4 is positively explosive, yet his touch is still light in the quicksilver runs, and his Etude No. 8 is dazzlingly bright. Many pianists half his age only wish they could play the challenging Etude No. 10 with such crystalline grace. It's worth mentioning the hushed respectfulness of the audience. Coughs are few and far between, and clearly all present were spellbound. How lucky we are that we, too, can hear this wonderful program."

    HOLTJE (CD Now)


    "... In July 1997 Fiorentino played an all-Chopin midnight recital of over 70 minutes, without interval, now issued on Newport Music Festival 3. The sound, as it is with every one of the discs mentioned, is excellent, but the really noteworthy arpect is the playing. If just a trifle rigid at first, Fiorentino soon moves into that rarified world of remarkable Chopin pianism that makes one want to hear the disc over and over again, savoring his sensitivity, poetry, and virility. There are groupings of two-to-four each of preludes, mazurkas, nocturnes and etudes, several delicious waltzes (including two encores), all nicely contrasted as to key and mood, plus the Third Ballade. For me, however, the most oustanding of these live performances is the Op 26 No. 1, Polonaise, which I've never heard played with more grandeur and authority. The Rubinstein versions of that C sharp minor work [EMI 1935; RCA 1951, 1964] have always appealed to me, but, now I've heard it, Fiorentino's is the one that I would most want to return to."

    KIPNIS (CD Conspectus)


    "This is a live performance from July 13, 1997 from the Newport Music Festival. The disk is not part of Fiorentino's wonderful APR series, but, like those disks, it is a wonderful memento to the pianist, who died the following year. The program begins with four Preludes, including the A-flat and the D-flat. The latter is played with stunning concentration and beautiful tone; the former is wonderfully songlike. The Waltzes evoke a vanished savoir-faire and carefree exuberance, although the melancholia of op 64 no 2 is a fine contrast. The Nocturnes (op 27/2, op 15/2) are for me the high point of the disk in their autumnal shade and underlying tensions. Once again, we are treated to some wonderful contrasts in the Etudes op 10/4, 6, 8 & 10, and the Mazurkas. The official program closes with two larger works, the Polonaise in c-sharp minor and the Ballade in A-flat. For me, Sofronitsky owns the former, but I can at least forget him temporarily when Fiorentino plays. The Ballade is superb. Two more Waltzes are featured as encores. The sound on this disk is excellent. There is some non-intrusive audience noise, and applause only follows the Ballade and the encores. The Yamaha piano makes a lovely sound. This disk is doubly fortunate since I understand that APR won't bring out any Chopin in the studio series, so the disk goes nicely with the Chopin Second Sonata on the live in Germany disks. Fiorentino's death surely marked the death of one of the great Chopin players -- his Waltzes rank with Lipatti's, his Nocturnes with Rubinstein's, and his Mazurkas with Kapell's. This is a beautifully balanced recital which is as good as anything Fiorentino ever recorded."



    "This live recital, recorded in Fiorentino's Indian summer, is an exemplar of the virtues of great Chopin pianism. In the opening "Raindrop" prelude, Fiorentino's touch has a beautiful homogeneity that recalls the bel canto origins of much of Chopin's melos, which is yet capable of evoking the dark, austere and obsessive middle section. As he begins, so he continues: the sixteenth prelude is stormy and dramatic, the seventeenth introspectively and unhurriedly songful, the twenty-third delicate and graceful. The Waltzes dance with a worldly panache, the Etudes are rescued from virtuoso indulgence by Fiorentino's bouyant playing and matchless legato, the Mazurkas are spare and dramatic. The Nocturnes are perhaps the highpoint of the disk, and op. 27/2 has both outer calm and inner tension. The larger works are exhilarating and intense: the Polonaise is given a grand maestoso opening and the close of the third Ballade is electrifying. The Yamaha piano sounds superb, and the recording is good, making this an indispensable point of comparison in the pianism of the twentieth century."

    anon. (RMCR Classical Hall of Fame)


  • "Few pianist only, like Sergio Fiorentino, may have been successful in transfering into sound the specific tone of Schumann's complex psychological and compositional delicacy. With trancelike security this tone springs up right from the beginning of the Fantasy in C major, where the Italian exposes the soaring semiquaver figuration already as thematic material, not setting the first theme as a melody over an accompaniment, but developing it from the emphatic flow of the notes. The motto from Schlegel, which preceedes the work, thus becomes musically obvious at once. This detail shows the kind of acribic attention and thoughtful care Fiorentino pays to the written text. With similar stringency he unfolds the poetry of the works, which oftentimes remains undiscovered, creating an expressive kaleidoscope of romantic feeling out of the simple rondo form of the Arabesque and meeting exactly the essentially dramatic pulse in the first movement of the Sonata in G minor. A tasteful arranger, the pianist presents two transcriptions of Lieder which he plays with agogic refinement, seamless legato and the finest of colour shadings. No doubt, Fiorentino, who died 1998, shortly before his 71st year, belongs to the number of exceptional musical personalities after the second world war. Apart form his Schumann recordings his artistic testimony, spanning from Bach to Scriabin, has been impressively documented by APR on nine CDs so far."

    SIEBERT (Fono Forum)
    (look at record)


    "The late Sergio Fiorentino's posthumous recording career takes a glorious, heartfelt turn in this Schumann collection. The C major Fantasy, recorded in 1996 when the pianist was 69, soars with emotional contrast and a sonority that sings in a direct, uncluttered way. Fiorentino negotiates the second movement's knotty dotted rhythms and dangerous skips accurately and without making a stunt of the music. He also takes care with Schumann's stepwise bass lines and makes natural sense of the inner voices. The Arabeske is paced to sing, and comes closest to matching Rubinstein's exquisitely timed 1961 Carnegie Hall version (RCA). Like Wilhelm Kempff, Fiorentino isn't about to outrace younger whippersnappers like Argerich (Philips), yet the older pianist gets to the finish line first. The first of the Op. 21 Novelettes and the gorgeous F-sharp Romance emerge from Fiorentino's supple hands like liquid bronze, as do his effective transcriptions of the songs Die Lotosblume and Widmung. APR discs are not cheap, but piano enthusiasts will get a substantial return on their investment. A beautiful disc . . "

    DISTLER (Classic


    "Humanity and tenderness: these two words could sum up his interpretation. Aren't these also the most appropriate words to express the composer's genius? It is another way to tell that the artist goes right to the heart of the music. The passion, the moments of excess are never shortcomings in his Schumann. Rather than tricks of a completely superficial madness, as in many interpretations, they are the fruit of understanding or, to put it differently, of an intimate perception of the works' structure and breath. For a long time one has not heard the perilous Fantasy played with such coherence. Like a living organism the music unfolds naturally, flowing over with colours, the detail taking effect, the one and another counter themes emerging with veritable necessity. Like two venerable models, Cortot and Gieseking, Fiorentino's success in Schumann is due to his perception of the profound essence: the "materialisation" of the sound in a poetic sense. Thusly envisaged, the virtuosity of the Sonata No. 2 expresses a soul's élan and fever. An absolute fortune also that this Novellette, these two transcriptions of perfect conciseness, or this Arabesque unfold naturally and with rare modesty."

    COCHARD (Diapason)


    "Sergio Fiorentino's more concentrated playing style suits Schumann's turbulent Fantasie in C major, which clocks up a very broad total timing of 35'07" (the finale runs to 13'40"). Appian's continuing efforts on behalf of this underrated musician – who died suddenly on 22 August 1998 – have never borne richer fruit and the remaining items (more Schumann, including the G minor Sonata) are virtually as distinctive (APR 5560)."

    COWAN (Independent Enjoyment, 20 Best Classical CDs 1999)


    "... Appian's "Fiorentino Edition" will do much to bring him the recognition he deserves. His considerable technique was always subordinated to musical demands, and he played with integrity, understanding, and an unmannered and unostentatious grace. So it is with the Schumann pieces on this disc.

    His tempos are rather slow in the Fantasy and the shorter pieces, allowing him time to develop long-breathed phrases with great emphasis on lovely melodic lines. On the other hand, he takes the Sonata quite briskly, appropriately passionate in I and III, tender and lovely in II, and very exciting in IV. His two song transcriptions are skillful translations of vocal music into pianistic terms. You may share my preference for Schumann's piano music played with more contrast and drama than this, but there is much sheer beauty in these performances."

    MORIN (American Record Guide)


    "In fact it is Fiorentino's golden, singing tone that commands consistent attention in these recordings, never less than in the Romanze and his own two exquisite song transcriptions (Widmung, the highlight of the disc for me, is touchingly valedictory.)"

    NICHOLAS (Classic CD)


    "... [Arrau's] epic magnificence and pianistic nobility is only surpassed perhaps by Fiorentino (the Berlin studio version, 1996). Touched by the odd lower-octave resonance (the 'Bauer' B flat at the end of the march not least -- never a more inevitably needed resonance), the occasional new dynamic (the quasi echoes at 84 and 276 of the first movement), his performance turns the Fantasie into the grandest of cathedrals, a towering, imperial symphonic journey that never once falters in intensity. Innovatively, unlike the Arraus and Richters, the Brendels and Rubinsteins -- just about everyone, in fact -- he sees the flanking movements as temporally equal balancing columns (evident also from the 1993 live recording), and at 35 minutes overall, Celibidache-like, takes his time to make the point. Benefitting from a fabulously voiced instrument, it's an overwhelming experience, outstandingly recorded in a golden acoustic. Remarkable. ... My recommendations, chronologically, are Backhaus, Gieseking, de Lara, Arrau (1959), Sofronitzky (1959), Richter (1960), Argerich (1966), Brendel (1966), Richter (1979), Bolet, Perahia, Hough, Perl, Fiorentino (1996). Pushed to choose just one, it'd have to be Fiorentino."

    ORGA (International Piano Quarterly)


    "APR has already given us a substantial taste of Fiorentino's Schumann, in the Live in Germany (APR7036) set. That album included the Fantasy. The stylistic features of that performance are essentially similar to those here, but there are some differences in detailing and tempo. The first movement is masterly. It plays up the disjunctive pauses and switches of mood to create an unsettling whole, rather than a patchwork movement of peaks and troughs. The intensity of that movement relaxes a little in the second, where the march rhythms are well sprung. The middle, trio-like section looks both forward to the finale and back to the first movement in its gentle sadness, but Fiorentino is, as ever, stunning in the virtuoso conclusion to the march. The single most obvious characteristic of Fiorentino's Fantasy is the final movement, where he chooses a daringly slow tempo. The movement lasts 13:40 -- in any other pianist's hands, one would register a loss of impetus, but that is not to so here. The legato is so immaculate that a faster speed would seem to cheapen the work -- heavenly length indeed. The live recording perhaps has a slight edge in spontaneity, but there isn't much in it. Given the superb studio recording, this is a mandatory acquisition.

    The rest of the CD is also very fine. The Arabesque is everything one could want for, being gently shaped without sounding self-conscious or trivial. The Novelette, a piece much played by Richter, loses nothing in comparison to that master. The interpretative outlines are very similar. The Second Sonata may lack the demonic charge of Martha Argerich, but I was astonished at how much brio Fiorentino brought to this work. It sounds like the work of a much younger pianist. Fire is balanced with musical structure in a performance that is a vital addition to the Schumann discography. The disk closes with three encores -- an elegant second Romance, and then two Fiorentino transcriptions of Schumann lieder. These are Die Lotusblume and Widmung. The latter is simpler and more direct than the famous Liszt transcription; both are tender, touching jewels.

    This is the most significant contribution to the Schumann discography in a long time, and yet another landmark in Fiorentino's final musical legacy."



  • APR 5583 - The Early Recordings III - LISZT "Années de pèlerinage" I, "Suisse" / "Venezia e Napoli"
  • "... I would argue, even as a devoted admirer of Cziffra, that a comparison with Sergio Fiorentino's early 1960s recording on Delta, later Revolution ... does not result in an ideal verdict. Whilst comparisons between jazz pianists isn't received wisdom, comparisons are inevitable between classical pianists; Fiorentino's 'Années de pèlerinage' is to me one of the great recordings of all time. Hear Cziffra and Fiorentino play the 'Au bord d'une source' and I wonder how two people can make the same notes sound so different! Cziffra, as recorded, sounds close, loud, and granite-like; Fiorentino, distantly recorded on a soft-sounding piano, sounds as delicate as possible ... Strenuous is an adjective that comes to my mind when I hear Cziffra play 'Orage' and 'Vallée d'Obermann'; effortless is the adjective I'd select to summarize Fiorentino. The latter has a much more varied tonal pallette as well as a relaxed lyricism that in earlier years Cziffra would display ..."

    SMB (Cziffra Bulletin No. 7)
    (look at record)


    "Fiorentino's way with Liszt resembles a chapter of history written in vanishing ink, recording deep insights but leaving sadly little impression on the future. Fiorentino's way with Liszt is a little like Alkan the composer - he had neither forebears nor successors. Fiorentino no more resembles the great Lisztians of the early century such as Horowitz and Friedman, with their freewheeling dash, than he anticipates contemporary Liszt playing with its emphasis on self-sufficient virtuosity. What, then, are the attributes of Fiorentino's Liszt that makes it distinct? I think it is Fiorentino's demonstration that Liszt was a contemporary and admirer of Chopin that makes his Liszt so unfamiliar. This is a Liszt interpretatively akin to the Chopin Ballades - lacking nothing in virtuosity, but rich in lyricism and with a breadth of utterance that suits great music.

    It follows that his "Swiss" year of Les Années is unusually grand and noble. This is in part a question of tempo. His Chapelle is an astonishing eight minutes, yet it finds justification in the score's request that the pianist play Lento - rather than andante con moto that one hears more often. Here, as elsewhere, Fiorentino is probing deeply into the musical substance of these works, in order to allow motifs sometimes hustled through to sound in more detail. Thus, at the loss of a little glitter, we find ourselves a little closer to a more varied and interesting Switzerland, a traveller's diary indeed. Orage is a storm rather than a whirlwind, and those who people the bucolic scene in Pastorale show no noticeable Gypsy antecedents. The core of this set is Vallée d'Obermann, and Fiorentino's account remains challengingly expansive. Fiorentino takes almost sixteen and a half minutes, longer than any performance I am acquainted with. But is never simply slow; the first section reflects the brooding, inward nature of this music, but the transition to the beautiful lyric theme is presented with tenderness and the climax has a sense of real triumph.

    The disk also includes the Venezia e Napoli pieces. Fiorentino was a Neapolitan to his core, so his performance has an authoritative verisimilitude. If Gondoliera and Canzone are haunting in their spacious melancholy, the Tarentella is a tour-de-force not only in virtuosity but in its rhythmic concentration and its Italianate swagger. It is a pity that the recording is unworthy of the playing; the sound is papery and thin. Venezia e Napoli had to be copied from an LP. Nonetheless, coming only a few years before Fiorentino abandoned the concert platform, we can only be grateful to the discernment of the producers who chose to record him."



    "... Sergio Fiorentino plays these works like a great master. Without having the transparent touch of a Bolet or the flamboyant playing of a Brendel, he moves through these Swiss landscapes with a severity and intensity worthy of a Rachmaninov, his favourite pianist. With clear play and a rich tone palette, the Italian pianist incessantly interrogates the music, showing neither the slighest signs of effort nor falling back on the the slighest effect. This is a very subtle meditation, the work of a poet and cultivated artist, which we are invited to share."

    BELLAMY (Le monde de la musique)


    "APR's valuable Fiorentino series continues with the pianist's long-out-of-print early 1960s recordings of the première, Swiss year of Liszt's Années de Pèlerinage and the Venezia e Napoli supplement to the Second year. Fiorentino was a great Liszt pianist, possessing the mastery of Lisztian rhetoric, keyboard virtuosity, and philosophical depth to place these performances right up there with the best. Abundant pleasures are here: the delicate pianissimos and powerful chords in Chapelle de Guillaume Tell; the liquid lapping flow of Au lac de Wallenstadt; and the artful simplicity of Pastoral, to name only a few. Au bord d'une source is slower than usual, but with a poetry that justifies the tempos. Fiorentino finds the undercurrents of darkness in pieces such as Orage, which are often treated as mere virtuoso fodder, and he makes a massive, moving tone poem of Vallée d'Obermann. Throughout, he brings to Liszt an elegance shared only by the composer's greatest exponents.

    That combination of aristocratic grace and stunning virtuosity pervades the entire disc, including the delightful Venezia e Napoli trio. Fiorentino may yield to Wilhelm Kempff's captivating simplicity in Gondoliera, but he gives way to no one in the precise articulation of repeated notes at Mach 2 speeds in Tarantella. The sound is closeup and detailed, with lots of presence, barely showing its age except for occasional slight fuzziness at the edges. APR has a brief note explaining that the lost master tapes of Venezia e Napoli necessitated copying from an LP, but no apologies were needed -- its sonics are quite acceptable."

    DAVIS (Classics Today)


    "The third volume of Sergio Fiorentino's early Liszt recordings made during the 60s unites the contemplative (Volume 1) and the virtuoso (Volume 2). For in the first book of the Années de pèlerinage, composed while Liszt journeyed through Switzerland with Marie d'Agoult, his mistress of the moment, you can hear in 'Le mal du pays' stark alternations of heroism and despair, a prophecy of darker things to come. Even 'Orage', most daunting of octave études, is more notable for far-reaching dissonance than mere display, an iconoclasm looking far into future. Elsewhere, in 'Chapelle de Guilleaume Tell', Liszt celebrates Switzerland's national hero with alpine horns echoing across the mountains, while 'Au lac de Wallenstadt' prompted the ever susceptible Marie d'Agoult to hear 'the melancholy cadence of oars'.

    Fiorentino's performances are of a rare virtuosity and imaginative delicacy, and I doubt whether the sense of bells ringing gently and exultantly through the crystalline Swiss air in 'Les cloches de Genève' has often been caught more evocatively (con somma passione). He rightly makes the gloomy and Byronic 'Vallée d'Obermann' the nodal and expressive centre of the cycle, fully justifying and sustaining his audaciously slow tempo (it is, after all, marked lento) and, throughout, his performances are alive with the sort of fantasy and freedom that eluded Jorge Bolet in his more cautious Gramophone award winning Decca recording (12/84). Sadly Fiorentino recorded only one work from the official Italian Année ('Sposalizio') so this disc ends with its supplement, Venezia e Napoli, a garland of encores that show off his poetic resource and, in the 'Tarantella', quicksilver brilliance to perfection. Fiorentino's earlier Saga recordings often suggested an enviable, if occasionally flippant facility, but here he is at his finest; even when he playfully tampers with the score (in 'Les cloches de Genève') it is usually to Liszt's advantage. The tranfers have come up trumps, though Bryan Crimp could do little to erase some pitch flutter in the original Delta disc. Long may APR's 'Fiorentino Edition' continue. This is an invaluable reissue."

    MORRISON (The Gramophone)


    "When in the early 60s Sergio Fiorentino recorded a selection of piano works by Liszt, he belonged to the few pianists who, like Alfred Brendel and Louis Kentner, dealt seriously with the composer. Like the two Liszt CD's with Fiorentino already published by APR, this third release is a downright stupendous demonstration how Liszt's music can sound beyond a one-dimensional presentation. Here, Fiorentino's complete technical and musical abilities are merged in the work; this means that there's not one moment of loss of concentration and no self-impersonation. In 'Venezia a Napoli' he moulds captivating cantilenas, changing between sensual devotion and delicate sorrow, but also turning into demonic mockery (Tarantella).

    The pianist is able to present the pictures of nature and moods of the first year of the 'Années de pèlerinage' as poetic excursions into the essence of Listztian romantic: the way he creates a shy and sacred simplicity in 'Chapelle de Guilleaume Tell' by placing agogically refined chords, the way he makes a menacing fire of instinct out of the key acrobatics in 'Orage' or the way he knows how to differentiate the sorrowful lines in 'Vallée d'Obermann' - all this shows a deep understanding for Liszt, which, presented pianistically in such grandiose modesty, is only peculiar to interpretations of Fiorentino alone."

    SIEBERT (Fono Forum)


    "Appian has designated these "The Early Recordings"; they were made in London in 1963 ('Switzerland') and Paris, 1962 ('Venice and Naples') when the pianist was in his mid 30s. His playing had an elegance and polish that are difficult to describe; these works are all given an aristocratic, understated veneer by Fiorentino that suits them to a T. Because his playing is so musical, the listener is never bored, even in the several quiet, undemonstrative pieces. The greatest performances of 'Au bord d'une source' I know are by D'Albert and Horowitz, but Fiorentino comes very close. 'Orage' is especially romantic, more of a mood study than a bombastic octave display.

    In the so-called Supplement to the 2nd Year (Italy), the 'Gondoliera' and 'Canzona' are glowing and spellbinding, as one might well expect from a great Italian pianist. In 'Tarantella' the pitch wavers quite disturbingly. The annotations make reference to this, blaming it on the processing from an LP record rather than from tape masters. The sound otherwise is good, though far from present-day standards. Fans of Fiorentino will be delighted with this, as will Liszt devotees, for the refined, suave way the artist has with this repertoire."

    MULBURY (American Record Guide)


    "Deceased in 1998, this pianist, alas! is known only to a limited circle of amateurs. Sergio Fiorentino partly abandoned his career in favour of teaching, and like Perlemuter in France, one became aware of his art at the end of his life, despite some testimonies remaining on discs. Moreover, his reluctance, and the disinterest of the big record companies added to his isolation. The dreamy and mystic univers of Liszt suited him wonderfully. These interpretations are striking for the broadness of their tempi and more so for the infinite delicacy of touch. Fiorentino is a poet of colours, chasing every phrase, each respiration without a shade of intellectualism. His touch is silky, which does, however, not impede a great legibility and an irreproachable technique. Thus, the 'Cloches de Genève' emerge with an impression of echo, of mystery, "Au bord d'une source" with perfumes of Chopin. This is a matter of romantic piano, opposed to Berman or Richter in this repertoire. The sense of drama and sketch-book is likewise more stressed in 'Le Mal du pays' than in the three pieces of 'Venezia e Napoli'. The lightness and elegance are fascinating, as if he were at search of that "blue note" so dear to the French piano school - that of Cortot and Yves Nat - even if the Italian pianist admits above all to his admiration for Rachmaninov the pianist. He expresses effectively an equivalent simplicity within quite a different playing. Let us wait impatienly for the follow-ups of this "piano lesson", for here we have the third volume the English publisher has dedicated to this artist."

    FRIÉDÉRICH (Classica)


  • APR 5584 - The Early Recordings IV - LISZT - The Orchestral Recordings
  • "... Fiorentino was a Lisztian of convincing credentials as other APR releases have themselves demonstrated. He had a big technique, transparency of texture, wide dynamics which were never employed for superficial, crowd-pleasing effect, never forced through the tone and was quite without the egocentricity often to be found amongst less musically engaged colleagues. Allied to these qualities is a faithfulness – not literalness – to the score. His clarity was accompanied by poetry and it’s noticeable in these recordings how often he infuses the music with a delicacy all the more significant because it is born from a real virtuoso technique. Listen to his speed for example in a warhorse like the Mephisto Waltz where it is accompanied by a control and an aristocracy of phrasing. Any danger of sectionality in the piece is swept away by his bravura control of structure and by a sure architectural vision. The seldom programmed Hungarian folk songs reveal eight minutes of deftness and sensitivity – of persuasive phrasing and tonal variety. Yet he can be tremendously exciting – in Ab irato for example there is some excoriating work, especially in the right hand, but the always-present Fiorentino admixture of poetic aloofness which adds a richly nuanced sensibility to his Liszt playing.

    Spozalizio is limpid, slow, a daydreamer’s interpretation which rises to a passionate apex with its poetic instincts intact. The Concerto suffers from somewhat constricted sound – the transfers have come, in the main, from the LPs themselves as the original tapes have been lost or damaged. The orchestral contribution is subsumed somewhat into the background with an over bright piano in the balance. But as far as the playing is concerned there is a tremendous vein of finesse to Fiorentino’s pianism in the opening movement, a feeling of rightness and inevitability to his phrasing and dynamics in the slow movement – where his romantic instincts are tempered by longer term structural goals. Even in the finale he evinces no concern at all for surface effect or for any kind of artificial projection of the solo line. There is virtuosity here in abundance but you never feel it as a means to an end. His wit glitters in the Polonaise brillante and he and Handley bring imagination and verve to the Chopin confection. Fiorentino was an unflappable and consummate musician and APR continue to show us how and why."

    WOOLF (Classic Music Web)
    (look at record)


    "Orchestral and solo works make up Volume 4 of APR's survey devoted to the late Sergio Fiorentino's 1960s Liszt output for the small Concert Artist label. The opening selection, Mephisto Waltz No. 1, gets a whale of a performance where phrasing and nuance rather than tempo fluctuation underscore the music's demonic subtext, and Fiorentino's powerhouse fingers convey all the excitement and drive of Vladimir Ashkenazy's better-known traversals. Fiorentino makes light work of the Ab Irato etude's swashbuckling hurdles and reveals his strong affinity for Liszt's lyrical, introspective persona in the Hungarian Folksongs and the Spozalizio.

    Unfortunately, the concerted works suffer from close, claustrophobic microphone placement plus an orchestra that sounds severely understaffed, riddled with warbling winds and thin strings. The piano, in turn, is mixed far too forward. Aside from Fiorentino's effortless, powerhouse octaves in the Second Concerto and gorgeously adjusted runs in the Chopin Fantasia, few special moments transpire that would justify general collectors to seek out these recordings over their better-engineered counterparts. Moreover, the draggy, listless basic tempo Vernon Handley and Fiorentino favor for the Polonaise's main section drains all the glitter and showmanship from a work that needs all the glitter and showmanship it can get. In all, a disc with limited appeal -- but what a Mephisto Waltz!"

    DISTLER (Classics Today)


    "Majestically remestared from sonically congested sources, this latest release in APR's ongoing Fiorentino series draws together Concert Artist recordings from 1962 and 1966. Fiorentino helped spearhead the 'modern' Liszt revival, at a time when the old sage's stock was at an all-time low. That he was a mainlining Lisztian of the highest pedigree cannot be doubted. To get a taste of the man, contrast the luminous chords, melodically invested harmonies, wistful sighs, gravity basses, rolling octaves like summer storm clouds, delicately yearning songs, sadly touched cadences, the wonderous Impressionism and cushioned attack of Sposalizio (a reading of trancendental poetry veiled in fadedly perfumed auras of microphone placement and studio ambience) with the Mephisto Waltz (an aristocratically virtuosic, sparingly pedalled, high-risk account tangibly pyrotechnic and programmatic).

    Early critics too readily dismissed Fiorentino as a speed merchant. But he wasn't. Sposalizio, the five Hungarian Folksongs, the cadenza from the introduction to Weber's Polonaise brilliante (especially the glowing arpeggiated chords, not merely broken but phrased, like fountains at dusk dying in slow motion), display degrees of reflection, poise and beauty of tone emphatically unshowman-like. Redolent of studio Arrau and Richter, his unrethorical, spaciously poised Second Concerto receives a truly grand reading of cohesive formality, displaying an expressively graded sonority and dynamic across the registers - with trills, cadenzas and passage-work of glittering cut yet invariably thematic import, the double glissandi calculated to nuance rather than sensationalise the sound-picture.

    Contracted to a budget label of uncertain future, Fiorentino recorded the Concerto, Weber and Chopin (not the composer's orchestration) with a pick-up band in a multipurpose hall of singular suburban ordinariness. Ever the well-prepared, unfussed, working professional with a job to do, honest to himself and the notes irrespective of platform, he was unphased. Living by Busoni's 'never play carelessly, even when there is nobody listening, or the occasion seems unimportant', overcoming the odds, rising to the music, was Fiorentino's art."

    ORGA (International Piano)

  • APR 5562 - LISZT
  • "Fiorentino, graduate and long time teacher at the Conservatory in Naples, was a true aristocrat of the piano. I thought this immediately when I first heard him long ago in a recording of Liszt’s Années, Bk. I, and his playing retained this patrician artistry, undiluted, through these many years. There were no overstatements, excesses, or eccentricities of any sort. Instead, a wonderful balance of purity, clarity, and expressivity prevailed -- a kind of Graeco-Roman ideal of musical beauty. His pianism was further distinguished by a consummate, seemingly effortless technique and one of the most discriminating ears of any modern-day pianist. He had an extraordinary ability, a veritable insistance, to place every note in its exact position -- it is quite miraculous to hear this in the vast B minor Sonata - but there is also a refreshing spontaneity and plasticity ever present in his playing. His handling of the Exposition of the fugue at the end of the Sonata is entirely unique among all performances I have ever heard.
    All of these things coalesce to make this an exceptional piano recording, a recording one can listen to repeatedly, each time discovering something new. Liszt was always a specialty for Fiorentino, yet his way of performing Liszt’s music differs noticeably from most other performers. Each piece on this disc is masterfully played and demonstrates all the qualities delineated above; no one stands out by itself. But the two Ballades, the “lightweights” on this program, are made by Fiorentino to seem stronger and more beautiful pieces than they probably are. No mean feat!
    Appian’s recorded sound is excellent and the Steinway piano sounds superb. By all means, do not miss this wonderful recording."

    MULBURY (American Record Guide)
    (look at record)


    "Here is poetic and pianistic glory. Volume 8 in APR's Fiorentino edition reminds us at every turn of a pianist whose chequered career could never cloud his stature. Heady early acclaim was followed by disillusionment and retreat into a teaching position in his native Naples, before an Indian summer brought belated recognition.
    This Liszt recital was recorded just a year before Fiorentino's sudden death in 1998 and it stands as a glowing testament to his artistry. The technical command is awe-inspiring, a far cry from an over-fleet early facility. Here is no frisky alternative to seriousness, but a moving commitment to Liszt's innermost spirit and vision. Even in an over-crowded marketplace, Fiorentino's Liszt Sonata ranks among the grandest and most sensitive on record. His heavily sustained, sepulchral opening octaves hint at the seriousness to come. Once, he would have leapt greedily at the Sonata's bravura elements; now he turns gratefully to its poetic core. Doubtless, too, the fugue would have been streamlined in his early days; now its is seen as an integral part of Liszt's massive and complex argument.
    Fiorentino's Funérailles is proud, epic and heartfelt, and so too are the Ballades in a riper, more characterful reading than on a 1950's Saga disc. There is never a hint of display for its own sake in Waldesrauschen and La leggierezza, only a rare interior musical quality, and if all these performances are speckled with tiny alternatives to Liszt's texture and harmony (notably in the Second Ballade's triumphant climax), it is invariably to Liszt's advantage. Broadly paced, acute and imperious, Fiorentino's performances erase all clichéd notions of theatricality.
    The recordings are admirable, fully capturing the pianist's fullness and richly varied sonority, and the booklet note, by 'Justin Thyme', helps to clarify the mystery of a pianist insufficiently acknowledged during his lifetime."

    MORRISON (The Gramophone)

  • APR 5563 - FRANCK
  • "Superlative pianism illuminates these poetic late masterpieces by Franck -- Sergio Fiorentino’s journey from a deft if sometimes slipshod virtuoso to a great artist, while largely ignored in his native Italy, was lovingly charted by APR. The ninth (penultimate) volume of that label’s Fiorentino edition is an unforgettably glowing and beatific instalment. Here, there is little of the over-seasoned concert pianist but rather a self-effacing communion between composer and interpreter. Indeed, it is hard to imagine a more deeply affectionate response to Franck’s idiom. That characteristic entwining of pain and solace in Bauer’s transcription of the Prélude, fugue et variation is offered up as if in prayer with the rarest sense of Franck’s molto espressivo and cantabile. Again, a cloud of incense seems to hang over the mysterious Danse lente and it is only in Franck’s twin masterpieces, the Prélude, choral et fugue and the Prelude, aria et final, that Fiorentino becomes lost in his own reverie, their long, sinuous phrases spun out into seeming eternity. Cortot – incomparable in Franck – offers an altogether more robust eloquence, ever anxious to avoid what he mischievously called the ‘church-worker element’ in Franck; yet, thanks to Fiorentino’s superlative pianism and acute sense of texture, the music never cloys as it so easily can. There is a triumphant sense of homecoming at the end of the Prélude, choral et fugue and, overall, these performances are among the most poetic Franck performances on disc. APR’s sound is ideal, fully capturing Fiorentino’s luminous sonority whether delicate or full-blooded."

    MORRISON (The Gramophone)
    (look at record)

  • Fabula Classica FAB 29902-2 "Piano Recitals 1962 - 1987"
  • "It was time to remember Sergio Fiorentino, the refined Neapolitan pianist who died unexspectedly four years ago in summer. The label Fabula Classica offers some recordings Fiorentino made at various occasions for RAI: a recital dedicated to Debussy (1962), Schumann's Kreisleriana (1973) and another recital with music of Ravel (1987). An esteemed teacher for many a decade, Fiorentino, after starting a brilliant concert career immediately after the second world war, entered and left the international musical circuit several times but remained actually a marginal figure, also because of his shy character. One can fully appreciate his class in these recordings of aristocratic style, having their decisive traits in his predilection for a vivid and lied-like phrasing, for rhythmic flexibility and delicacy of timbre. Therefore it is no coincidence that above all the recordings of Debussy and Ravel are fascinating. Fiorentino plays, among other works, Debussy's Estampes and the two sets of Images; particularly in these latter works Debussy's reinvention of the pianoforte appears to emerge from a bewitching sound and an extraordinarily fancyful sensibility."

    c. f. (Amadeus)
    (look at record)


    "The present album allows the discovery of three recitals by the great Italian pianist and pedagogue Sergio Fiorentino, given over a time of twenty five years. If his Debussy lacks sometimes interest for one who keeps in his memory the visions of Samson François or Youri Egorov, the later recordings (Schumann and Ravel) will be a revelation for more than only one listener: his Kreisleriana, even a bit iconoclastic in the rendering of the countermelodies (the Äusserst bewegt of the beginning) and in the purely rhythmical scanning (the Schnell und spielend at the end), are of an admirable rigour. The Ravel, in a more present sound ambience (we are in 1987), lets one hear a touch which is not content with a beautiful sound alone, but uses it as an element of construction: no cheap pompousness here, but a lecture on an adopted classicism which befits Ravel (we are in line here with Marcelle Meyer and Casadesus). Profound sentiment, but without emotional outbursts, in the Valses, the Epilogue of which has rarely fared a better interpretation. His Gaspard, very (post) romantic, lets one hear one of the best Ondine of the record catalogue (despite some wrong notes at the end, but we are in a live concert!), and if Scarbo suffers - understandably - from some digital blemishes, the sooty character of the work receives a remarkable rendition."

    GOLEAU (Classica)


    "In an overwhelming way technical brilliance and musical concentration form a silent synthesis in the pianist Sergio Fiorentino, something he arrived at by the superiority and calmness with which he played the piano. How Fiorentino quasi draws the finely chiselled arabesques, the coolish and noble surface of Debussy’s and Ravel’s works into the depths of pianistic reflection belongs to the mysteries of his playing. With this he draws a rarely realized spiritual dimension from this music. In the first piece of the 'Images', the 'Reflets dans l’eau', he succeeds to evoke the image of a glittering water surface by playing the introductory chords with countless nuances as well as letting the pleasure of a passive study of nature turn into a passionate outburst of affect as the piece goes on. Such a kind of playing the piano lets emerge distinctly the dialectic of external and internal nature. Thus, every single work offered here - be this Ravel’s Valses, presented with discrete brilliance, or the eerie dimensions of the fiendishly difficult 'Gaspard de la nuit' - invites for discussion, for concentrated listening and thinking, despite a somewhat muffled quality of the sound."

    SIEBERT (Fono Forum)


    „…This is tremendous piano playing [about Michelangeli’s Gaspard]… And yet, if one listens to the unpublished recital of Sergio Fiorentino (Fabula Classica, Naples recital in 1987), recorded in much more pure and natural sound, even more extraordinary things happen. Contrary to Michelangeli, Fiorentino uses right from the beginning a minimum of rubato which gives to Ondine a dreamlike phantasmagoria. Where Michelangeli impresses by his cerebration, Fiorentino joins intellectual and sensual levels, without any of Pogorelich’s demonstrativeness (genial in that work). And yet the dynamic gradations are like gigantic waves. Le Gibet is of an equal kind of suspension and paleness as that of Michelangeli (but always with little touches of sensuality - see after 4’). On the contrary, Scarbo shows a vast difference in eloquence right from the start, it is much more lively, much more exalted (7’58 against Michelangeli’s 9’34). What is to happen is Dante-like, with waves and breakers and mad dynamic differences. The end (from 6’20 onwards) is a complete craze, and you sit tied to your seat. Definitely this Fiorentino was a pianist of the calibre of one Ivan Moravec and Sviatoslav Richter. The remainder of the album is on the habitual hights of Fiorentino: absolute command of sound; freedom between the barlines (a model in Soirées dans Grenade); sensuality with occasional enlightenments, as in Mouvements (in the first book of Images), or that Isle joyeuse, played like fireworks in an extremely vivacious flow. On the second disk the Valses nobles are on the level of Gaspard, again with additional liberty and height compared to Debussy (cf. Assez lent, track 13). The Kreisleriana, unfortunately recorded in a very dry sound, confirm Fiorentino’s Schumannian temperament, as in the Fantasy and the 2nd Sonata, published by APR. The Italian pianist cultivates in particular the rhythmic contrasts, the extremism of which can be shocking. Thus, his concept of "sehr rasch" is indeed "as fast as possible", and the poetic interludes (Intermezzo II, and the "sehr langsam" episodes) cancel time….”

    HUSS (Répertoire)

  • Concert Artist/Fidelio CACD 9201-2 "Franz Liszt - Douze études d'ecécution transcendante"
  • "I recently reviewed the latest release in APR’s Fiorentino series, a finely controlled and deeply poetic Liszt recital to which I would direct readers interested in this still contentious musician. Concert Artist/Fidelio Recordings, who recorded much of Fiorentino in the 1950s and 1960s and whose devotion to him was notable has now released a sheaf of his recordings, newly remastered, some live, several from newly discovered master tapes, many previously unissued, to increase yet further ones knowledge and experience of the young pianist – he was twenty seven when he set down this set of the awesome Transcendental Etudes. In fact going through the catalogues I haven’t been able to discover an earlier complete set than this February 1955 traversal – with the caveat that it was never issued at the time. The Etudes were recorded the day after his London debut, at Wigmore Hall, and the masters then sent to America where they were stored and subsequently believed to be lost ... Many years later, in 1966 Fiorentino was recording for Concert Artist in Guildford and warmed up with some of the Etudes – these performances were recorded and some patching has been done using these performances to cover the storage damage to the original tapes ... These are deeply accomplished performances and confirm the pianist, to my ears at least, as a master Lisztian. I noted in my review of the APR disc some of the qualities of his musicianship that I found so impressive; strong technique, textural transparency, a superb and eloquent control of dynamic gradients, a never forced-through tone, a lack of egocentricity – vital in Liszt - faithfulness to the score without becoming in any sense literal minded, aristocracy of phrasing, clarity and poetry existing as prerequisites and a tone of great beauty. Here these qualities are equally audible ... The recording was made at quite a low level but has been expertly remastered; examples of obvious edits, where the 1966 warm ups have been patched, are not noticeable. The documentation is thorough; Humphrey Searle’s notes on the Etudes are reprinted, as is biographical material on Fiorentino himself, who emerges, yet again, as a musician of the highest nobility and stature."

    WOOLF (Classic Music Web)
    (look at record)

  • Concert Artist/Fidelio CACD 9202-2 "Franz Liszt - Paganini Etudes / 3 Petrarca Sonnets / 2 Legends"
  • "Things are hotting up in the Fiorentino-Concert Artist/Fidelio stakes. Not content with releasing a long delayed and previously unissued set of the Transcendental Etudes they now continue with the Paganini Etudes and bring the recital to over an hour’s worth of remarkable pianism with the three Petrarch Sonnets and the Two Legéndes. Recording were made in the Greenwich Borough Hall and in the Guildford Civic Hall between 1962 and 1965 and have been digitally remastered to a very good standard. These are never going to be sonically spectacular recordings but to those who value superior musicianship there is a huge amount to admire here, as ever with Fiorentino.

    His playing of the Paganini Etudes is broadly consonant with his playing on that earlier disc of the Transcendental Etudes; greatly impressive if on a very slightly less majestic level. I find his structural control and his humanity enormously persuasive. Pyrotechnics are irrelevant for him unless technique and virtuosity are made to serve the curve and dramatic interiority of the score. In the G Minor etude, the tremolo study, his powers of structural concentration are immediately apparent. Comparison with, say, the pre-War recordings of another legendary Lisztian, Claudio Arrau, show that whilst Arrau is abrupt and bursting with tensile strength and quick reflexes, Fiorentino has a deep-rooted control of each Etude’s internal and external dynamic and that his are readings of maturity and depth. His "integrationist" aesthetic is illustrated best in the first study where he refuses to engage in surface glitter, preferring the more lasting benefits of a long line. In the octave study, No 2 in E Flat, he is considerably less overtly theatrical than Arrau and also lighter on his feet, as it were, but this is not to deny him those moments of glittering clarity that so frequently illuminate Fiorentino’s playing. He doesn’t stint the drama but he does make it less barrenly brazen. His quasi-operatic flourishes here are entirely apposite, flecked with an admixture of wit. The third of the Etudes, La Campanella, shows the stunning clarity of his right hand, the trills exquisitely even and "hammered" with poise. His intimacy is a marvel even if I did feel the conclusion rather too dry and unalluring. The E Major Etude receives a reading of excellence, no striving for effect, the weight of hand distribution expertly accomplished. La Chasse lasts 2.41 in Fiorentino’s hands, roughly the same as Arrau but Fiorentino manages to create a greater sense of narrative space; he’s not as rhythmically incursive as Arrau, instead preferring a more mellow, more leisurely sense of the work’s syntax, in terms of its drama. He is less theatrical, less quicksilver, but equally is better at bringing out the flute and horn sonorities of the score. In the Theme and Variations finale one once more sees the essential rightness of Fiorentino’s approach to Liszt, which is one that remained constant throughout his career. His understanding and illumination of structural cohesiveness is second to none; this is never pedantic or, in the worst sense, didactic. Rather it is a constant commentary on and revelation of the spine of the music.

    The Petrarch Sonnets were recorded in August 1963. In the first, No 104, one can explore as much as Liszt’s writing, Fiorentino’s own gift of a simplicity born of experience and understanding. In No 47 we can witness the way in which he coalesces the wide variety of moods. When Horowitz recorded it his huge Corinthian columns of bass notes and his visceral, powerful passion engorged the piece with outsize drama. Undeniably thrilling though it was this is simply not Fiorentino’s way; he prefers a more horizontal delineation of the piece, less overtly passionate, seeing it as a structure of semi-classical precision through which animation pulses and grows. So too in the last of the three Sonnets where he mines the music for a remarkable sense of interior life, an ability given to few.

    The Deux Legéndes date from 1863 and derive from St Francis of Assisi preaching to the birds and St Francis of Paolo walking on the water. Fiorentino thrillingly animates the former, with its colourful and suggestive imitative writing and in the latter derives great layers of nobility and passion from the waves incident and completes this Liszt recital as he began it – with concentration, passion controlled through intellect, virtuosity subsumed to the work’s meaning and characterful understanding.

    Once more Humphrey Searle’s notes grace the booklet and once again admirers of this remarkable pianist can investigate his ever-growing legacy with confidence and undimmed admiration."

    WOOLF (Classic Music Web)
    (look at record)

    - - - - updated continuously - - - -

    For Italian readers -- and readers of Italian, of course -- I would like to quote the judgement of a critic from that country who is considered of utmost importance -- at least with regard to the amount of lines flowing from his busy pen:

    "Pur con tutta simpatia umana che provo nei suoi confronti non posso però non dire che quattro dischi, più quelli che seguiranno, mi sembrano troppi. Poche esecuzioni bastano a far capire come Sergio Fiorentino abbia conservato una scioltezza tecnica rara a trovarsi, e la serietà del musicista che con umiltà si confronta con i grandi testi della lettura pianistica."

    Piero RATTALINO (MUSICA) ... si tacuisses...

    For all other readers -- and readers of French in particular -- I would like to quote the judgement of a critic from France, making the following statement in November 2001:

    "Grâce à la clairvoyance et à l'engagement du seul label APR, nous avons compris aujourd'hui que l'un des plus grands pianistes du XXe siècle se nommait Sergio Fiorentino."

    Christophe HUSS (Répertoire)

    Für die nicht wenigen deutschen Verehrer des Pianisten sei eine deutsche Stimme zitiert:

    "Ein wahres Wunder an überragender Musikalität enthüllt sich beim Anhören dieser Aufnahmen, die den Pianisten und Musiker Fiorentino - ähnlich wie etwa Michelangeli, Lipatti oder auch Gulda - als genialische Erscheinung ausweisen."

    Christoph SCHLÜREN (NMZ)

    Suggestions & questions? Please contact:

    ca. 1970 1997

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